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Create your first podcast like a pro

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Here is the ultimate guide on how to create your first podcast!

The often fun and light podcast format can easily give the impression that most shows are improvised. However, it is a medium that requires hard work and is built in several stages.
LiLiCAST therefore invites you to discover all the steps you will have to go through to create your first podcast like a pro!

Organize your ideas

Getting started in the creation of a podcast is above all having a good idea.
It remains to see if you are the only one who had this genius idea! There are many podcasters and the competition is fierce. Before getting started, studying the market and potential competitors can help organize your ideas and course of action.
Once done, we enter one of the most important parts: research. Even if you think you know your subject by heart, doing research on it will allow you to start to see more clearly and to seriously consider the plan of your podcast. Organize all of the information you find into different groups to break it down into potential shows.
Your first podcast is already starting to take shape…

Write the script for your podcast

It’s time to get to the heart of the matter: writing! A podcast, although in audio format, prepares for writing.

Now is the time to arm yourself with your LiLiCAST podcast creation software. The application effectively allows you to write the entire plan of your podcast and even the full script of a program so that you are perfectly prepared for the recording. Now it’s up to you to find your editorial line and lead the way. You can opt to write the entire show if that’s how you feel comfortable. However, this method carries the risk of appearing less natural when recording your first podcast… It is nevertheless the safest if you are going to be the only protagonist of your program. A word of advice, repeat your text well before recording, then get started!

If you have guests, you can on the contrary allow yourself more freedom and only write the common thread and the questions you want to ask, or even the points on which you want to insist. LiLiCAST also allows you to work collaboratively from the creation of your podcast script!

Record your podcast with LiLiCAST


To record your first podcast, you will certainly need to acquire some equipment. You can opt for an inexpensive nomadic recording, directly from your smartphone. To do this you can easily find suitable microphones to connect to your smartphone. You can also record your first podcast directly from the LiLiCAST application.
The second nomadic option is a slightly larger investment. You can indeed afford a digital audio recorder. The most famous brands are Zoom and Tascam. This small, easily portable device will allow you to record outdoors, as well as plug in multiple microphones for recording with guests.

Finally, if you don’t opt ​​for mobile recording, you’ll automatically need to have a computer, headset or earphones in addition to the microphone.


Editing your first podcast is probably the hardest step. You will certainly have to cut parts, adjust the sound, remove noise and of course add your introduction, your conclusion as well as your opening and ending credits. You can opt for editing software and do all the work directly from your computer. There are many, both free and paid. LiLiCAST allows you to carry out part of the editing in an intuitive and simple way in order to get a first idea of ​​the final content of your podcast and thus start to give it shape…
édition mp3 audio facile intuitive et mobile

Broadcast your podcast

Your brand image

The name

Before broadcasting your podcast, you should think about the brand image you want to evoke with your future listeners. This step is very important and leaving it out is a common mistake that many podcasters make. A podcast like any other media is branded, you must ask yourself an essential question: what will be its name? This is where it all starts and finding its name will help you build the whole personality of your podcast for your listeners. Dig in and enjoy the freedom of media such as the podcast. Podcasts usually have catchy names that directly echo the topic they are about and that listeners can easily remember.

The visual

In order to accompany this first impression regarding the branding of your podcast, it is also up to you to define which visual you wish to associate with it. The visual of your first podcast and of all those that will follow should be square and contain as little text as possible because the image will be greatly reduced in the listening libraries. Your podcast can quickly find itself drowned in the midst of thousands of others. If you want to stand out and catch the eye of listeners, do not hesitate to be creative in your visual!
The description
If you’ve managed to catch the eye of your audience with a catchy name and visual, you’re getting close to the point, someone has clicked on your podcast and will potentially listen to it.
The last string to your bow to convince him is your description. Be succinct and attractive, and if possible, let the tone of your first podcast be heard. Visualize your listeners, who they are, what they want to listen to and how. Put yourself in their place and convince them to listen to you rather than another.
itunes podcast publication

The hosting

Now that you have recorded and edited your first podcast, you will be able to enter the broadcasting phase. To host your first podcast, there are different solutions. Google may for example allow you to download your podcast directly to its Drive. However, this solution will quickly have many obstacles if you want to develop your podcast on a large scale. To host your podcast, you can therefore use an audio host like LiLiCAST.
Once you have registered and created your account, you will be able to download your audio content in a few clicks and benefit from the security of a professional and specialized platform. Using the LiLiCAST host will also give you access to certain information concerning the behavior of your audience, such as how many times your podcast has been listened to.

The publication

Broadcasting your podcast involves publishing it on your various communication media. Whether it’s your website or Itunes, Google Podcast or Spotify, you’re going to have to publish the first podcast you’re going to create – as well as all of those to come – if you want someone to listen to you! But be careful, do not confuse host and dissemination platform! You quickly realize that most platforms do not host podcasts and just broadcast them.

Here’s how to publish your podcast on the main broadcasting platforms:

  • Your website: if you have made the (right) choice to host your podcast on LiLiCAST, this task is extremely easy for you. Indeed, LiLiCAST offers a WordPress plugin that will allow you to automatically publish your podcasts on your site or blog. So, convinced? see what it can do here
  • Itunes podcast: to broadcast your podcast on Itunes, you will simply have to transmit the RSS feed for your podcast. Once sent, you will have nothing more to do! Itunes will automatically publish each of your new podcasts.
  • Google Podcast: Google, true to itself, keeps its search engine identity. You will therefore not be able to either submit your RSS feed to Google, however it is Google that will have to find it easily on the web in order to offer it to Internet users. So make sure the RSS feed is up to date and indexed on Google.
  • Spotify: the Streaming platform has simply launched “Spotify for Podcaster”, entirely dedicated to podcasts. So you can go directly to their site and offer your podcast.
  • Deezer: In accordance with its big competitor, Deezer has also given birth to a platform entirely dedicated to podcasts. “Deezer Podcasters” invites you to publish your podcast using your famous RSS link. You can find the form here.

Promote your podcast

Nothing like social media to promote your first podcast. Using them for free can quickly get you started. The problem that podcasters often encounter, however, remains the format. How can we promote audio content on platforms that tend to favor video? LiLiCAST has the solution. From the podcast application, it is possible to create a presentation video using numerous templates in no time. Just select a theme, add the images or GIFs that suit you and synchronize everything with the extract of your show that you want to highlight. The teasing format has already proven itself in communication and takes very little time to complete. It will also make it possible to reach a wider target which will be able to dwell on what it is listening to while viewing it!
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You are now ready to start creating your first podcast! We come back to the fact that creating a podcast requires rigor and work, and that you should not be discouraged if your first podcast is not perfect. On the contrary, it will allow you to improve your skills afterwards and offer better quality podcasts to your audience with each episode. In addition, do not hesitate to write down all the problems you encountered when you create your first podcast, in order to avoid them for the recording of the next ones!

>>> Create your first podcast
