Structuring your thoughts

episode 3, the teaser

In this new episode of the Podcast Academy, we are going to teach you how to structure your thoughts. It is a vast topic, isn’t it? To convey your message, I would like to advise you to visit the basics of journalism, which means the 5Ws principle, by answering the questions starting with the following interrogative words: Who, what, where, when, and why.

In French, this principle has been extended by two extra interrogative words. Journalism students are normally aware that they have to answer the 7 following questions in their articles: Who, what, when, where, how much, how, and why?

However, since your podcast is not a news article, you do not need to stick to those questions strictly. This principle has been inspired by Aristotle, and it can be a good source of inspiration when you lack some creativity or do not know what to start with.

The Podcast Academy, everything on how to start a podcast.

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