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How to get to know your audience?

On this episode, you will get to know a little more on how to get to know your audience and why you should. Getting to know your audience is like the prerequisite to developing a marketing plan. Before you can decide how you are  going to market or where, you need to make sure you know your targeted audience. It is important that you are marketing to the right people, at the right time, with a fitting message.

How do you get to know your audience?

audience radioYou can start with carrying out some research. Get to know the kind of people you are targeting. Who are the products or services targeted towards. So how to do? Design survey is an easy answer and appealing to the people. Check up previous purchase or activities of the targeted consumers and make use of Google analytics. It is also possible to email questionnaires to your audience. But this will have to be the audience that are already interested in your company and have subscribed. You may already use email as main channel but now you are looking to social media plateforms.

Build personasreach audience lilicast

This is also important to build personas. You have a better picture and idea of your targeted audience. The personas hould include information such as job title, age, personality, challenges, expectations and many more. The more detailed your persona is the better understanding you have retarded customers and you want to ensure that you reach all three categories.


Adapting message to each audience.

The three categories are the demand generation, leadgeneration and retention/recovery. The message you want to send might be different for each of these groups.

The demand generation: are audience that are not familiar with your brand with this group. You should be sending a message that will introduce your brand and increase your brand awareness.

Lead generation are people that have already shown interest in your brand. Here, you would want to convey a message that persuades and help and take the decision to use your friend.

Retention and recovery are two different types of audience. However, at this you brand. Then you have the customers that are pleased with your brand and some that are not. So, the recovery customers would be customers that are unsatisfied and you want to send a message that will change their mind. You want to convince them on why it is so worth it to use your brand.

Retention is more focused on increasing customer loyalty and brand loyalty. These are customers that I using your want to keep them happy and convince them to keep using your brand.


Know who your competitors are.

It will give you an idea of what you are against. This gives you the chance to analyze your “opportunities” and “threats”. Start by evaluating the competitions and compare them to your company. Make an analysis of the elements that are different but also the elements that are similar. Now, it gives you the opportunity check out what you can learn from them. This will help you identify how you can set yourself apart from the competition. What will make you stand out. Now that you have that you can see what improvements you can apply.  Essentially, how can you do better and be better than your competitors?


Why should you get to know your audience?

In essence by knowing your audience you will get to know your customer, but also this gives you the opportunity to strategise on the appropriate message and how to convey it based on your audience. You will also be able to pick out key influencers that can be advantageous in promoting your brand.


Collect data and check ananlytics.

Now that you’ve research the audience and have received some data you should check your analytics to see if your message didn’t reach your audience and better. As conclusion getting to know your audience is a key aspect in building your brand efficiently.


In the next episode. You’ll find out more about building your brand.