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Quality production : a nobel art in radio

Radio producer is a complex job. Usually it all starts with an idea, a content direction, in relation with the Radio Station’s strategy. And always the will to produce quality. In september it’s always the same old song. Whether you start on a new project or you live the next step of an existing broadcast: you want to do better. Get lessons from the past, adapt yourself to the period, be creative, try things.

Of course at the end only one criteria counts when the gavel falls: audience. You can be proud of the work done, proud of the given quality. But our evaluation criteria must be those of the public as well. In the end the public is the only boss.

And there are also two major constraints we will have to deal with: budget and the host. The host has his own personality, his personal touch, his talent… but also more or less professionalism, experience. Sometimes the producer and the host are the same person, it does not change anything to the situation.

How can a producer make his host better? How could he boost him? Manage him? Considering that in medium sized radios the host works for free! How could we remind the host that his job does not end when the broadcast is over? That he has to prepare the next show, and, moreover, communicate.

Today, audience is the result of a starving communication between two shows, with social networks, extracts, teasers, baselines, pictures… In order to get new listeners and convince them to try the show for a first time. And when it works, then show quality must create loyalty.

The roots of LiLiCAST are not in an IT department. LiLiCAST was born in a radio studio, as an answer to all those needs. Even if we collaborate every day with hosts, we have other good friends… In fact those who like LiLiCAST the most are producers, radio directors, community and communication managers. When our demo meetings are over, their eyes are shining.

And what about you? What about meeting us? Take 10 minutes, get a demo through skype our hangout or in live… We will show you our magic.