Site icon LiLiCAST

Audio host

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Podcasting has become very popular and widespread in recent years on websites and social networks. Indeed, it is a practical format to talk about a chosen subject, alone or with others. For the podcast maker, this requires less investment and equipment than a video, for example. In this way, the time spent creating your podcast will not be too long since you only have to choose the subject, prepare the dialogues and record everything. In particular, you can prepare and save your work on our LiLiCAST web app. But to reach your audience, you need to publish your podcast in the right places and especially follow its evolution… Don’t panic, we will explain you everything about hosting and sharing your podcasts with LiLiCAST!

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Find all your podcasts on our audio hosting platform

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All your recordings will be stored on our platform. You can cut them, edit them, assemble them… You are the game master. Once you have created the perfect podcast, you need to publish it to be able to share it with your audience. You can do this directly on your website or blog, thanks to the integrated podcast reader functionality and the LiLiCAST WordPress Plugin.

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With LiLiCAST, you can put your podcasts online directly where you want them so that your listeners can easily listen to them. You will even be able to track the number of views and readings on our app, to get an idea of its impact and improve your content and publication. If you already have a community interested in your podcasts, you make it easier for them to access your audio file by publishing it directly on the Internet. If you are looking to develop a community or reach a new target, you can share your content on social medias and make your podcasts more attractive and captivating thanks to LiLiCAST technology.

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Create short videos with LiLiCAST and tease your podcasts

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In addition to hosting your podcasts, the LiLiCAST web app allows you to create short animated videos to tease your content, in other words, to arouse the public’s interest by offering them an extract of your content. This way, you can make a perfectly adapted video : you choose the most relevant extract to highlight the subject, illustrations and texts that match and attract the eye, and you even have features to add GIFs or automate subtitles. Yes, there are as many possibilities offered by the LiLiCAST web app, which stores all your audio and video content and even informs you of their evolution and the state of their visibility. You can find out which videos had the most impact and which ones brought you the most traffic, for example. Very practical to develop and improve your notoriety, isn’t it?

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With the LiLiCAST podcast manager available on computers and smartphones, you can create and manage your podcast from A to Z! In addition to preparation and recording, LiLiCAST is also the audio host you need to store your podcasts, share them and track interactions with your audience. You will be able to publish your audio and animated videos wherever you want and thus optimize your online presence to develop your community. Go to the LiLiCAST app to experience the full podcast experience, whether you are a professional or not!

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