Elements you will need in building a brand<\/span><\/h4>\nTo begin with, a logo. A logo<\/strong> with the initial visual representation of your brand. It should be recognizable and memorable. It should be something only unique to your brand. Here is an easy-to-use web app that will help you create just the logo you need. It’s called hatchville.<\/p>\nSecondly a tagline<\/strong>. Come think of your brand when they hear it.<\/p>\nFinally, you can include a sonic logo or a jingle<\/strong> include a sound or a beat that is unique to your brand. This will allow people to be able to recognize your brand from just a sound. All of the above will give you a random personality that will make you stand out from the rest, but giving you brand a voice the message of who you are, what you offer and, why people should care about your brand. Your brand should consistently be included throughout your business.<\/p>\n